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HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing services.

St John Uganda provides HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services to the citizens of Uganda through St.John volunteers. Voluntary Counselling and testing is a routine part of the health care, such as in antenatal clinics, at diagnosis and treatment centres for tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections of St John Uganda. Over 700 people benefit from our outreach VCT services every day.

Sex workers, drug users, pregnant women, migrants, prisoners etc are some population groups that require targeted VCT because of their vulnerabilities to HIV infection and increased risk of transmission to others.  

Even though Uganda is ranked among the best achievers in the world in fighting HIV/AIDS, there is a lot to offer in counseling the people that are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. HIV /AIDS prevalence in Uganda can steadily increase if no strong measures of behaviour change such as those that promote the ABC strategy are put in place.

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