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St. John Uganda Future Plans

Through continued support from St John stakeholders and well wishers both local and international;
  • We are planning to establish Emergency Rescue Centers on major deadly highway black spots. The center will be managed by St. John volunteers whose major role is to provide first aid to accident victims and coordinating ambulances from St. John and other stakeholders to transport the victims to the nearest highway hospitals. We are humbled to work with all well wishers to have this project a success as we strive to improve the health and well being of all people in the country. 
  • We hope to continue training our road transport partners in First Aid and road safety including Bodaboda cyclists, Traffic Police, Taxi drivers , Bicycle cyclists and communities. We believe, First aid will be suited for the people we know cause or suffer from accidents and are always first on the scene. We are working hard to build a rapport with all players in the transport sector so that we can keep track of every accident and be able to save lives. The recent First aid training for Bodaboda cyclists that benefited more than 100 people, dictated that we should continue working with these groups, if we are to change the situation.
  • Our interventions have so far been supported by DFCU bank and we have been able to distribute reflector jackets and helmets to Bodaboda cyclists. St. John now is advocating for duo protection of both the Bodaboda cyclist and the passengers.
  • We plan to strengthen our strategies towards reducing Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality in Uganda through our newly developed programme of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health that is set to be piloted in the district of Buikwe before the end 2013. We are hoping to intergrate our services based at Bulumagi Health center into this programme along side private and government partnerships in the district to have better results.  With support from the International Office in London, we contracted a consultant conducted research about the state of maternal health in Uganda and believe we shall contribute tremendously towards the improvement of maternal, Newborn and Child health in Uganda.
  • We hope to Penetrate the Northern part of the country (the war affected region) where our services are most needed currently: 
  • Diversify the primary health care project activities to mobilize voluntary public blood donations so as to cater for the needy in hospitals: 
  • Open up Voluntary Counselling & Testing (VCT) centres all over the country where St John activities are prevalent:
  • Acquire more ambulances to respond to different emergencies that may occur and train an increased number of Emergency Medical Technicians:
  • Build more capacity in the organisation i.e. human resource capacity to run and manage the developed programmes:
  • Organize and mobilize more members to train in first aid and other fields and join St John Uganda